biskaabiiyaang demo download

Thank you for joining us on the path to Biskaabiiyaang! Click the buttons below to download our demo for Windows or Mac. If you’d like to share your experiences exploring the welcome area on social media, please use the hashtag #Biskaabiiyaang

Full download instructions: Windows, Mac.

demo faq

what can you do in the biskaabiiyaang demo?

The demo introduces to you to the virtual world of Biskaabiiyaang through an orientation campsite area and trail. Get to grips with traversing terrain, discover and interact with objects hidden throughout the environment, and learn Anishinaabemowin (the Ojibway language) along the way. Explore post-apocalyptic ruins and learn how Indigenous history and culture plays a part in returning magic and beauty to this virtual world.

how do you move around?

There are navigational instructions provided before the game starts, but should you need a refresher, the WASD keys on your keyboard determine the direction your avatar walks, your mouse lets you look around and control the camera. To progress through the menus and story, you will be prompted to use your space bar. Press ‘E’ on your keyboard to interact with objects when prompted.

does the biskaabiiyaang demo connect to the internet?

While Biskaabiiyaang: The Indigenous Metaverse will be an online, multi-user virtual world, the demo is self-contained on your computer and does not require an internet connection to run.

my question isn’t answered here!

If you require any assistance with your download, please use our contact form here and a member of our team will be in touch.

download instructions (windows)

1. Download and run biskaabiiyaang-demo.exe.

(a) When running the demo for the first time, you may encounter a pop-up that says “The app you’re trying to install isn’t a Microsoft-verified app.” Rest assured, our program is safe to use. Simply click “Install anyway”.

2. If prompted, allow biskaabiiyaang-demo to make changes to your device.

3. Follow the instructions on the Biskaabiiyaang Setup Wizard. We recommend checking the “Create a desktop shortcut” option, then click “Next”.

4. Once installation has completed, check the option “Launch UniVirtual”, then click “Finish”.

5. The Biskaabiiyaang demo will start automatically. Choose your avatar and start exploring!

download instructions (mac)

1. Download and run biskaabiiyaang-demo.pkg.

(a) If you are blocked from running the App, open the Security & Privacy settings in System Preferences. Click the lock icon on the lower left corner, enter your password, and then select “App Store and identified developers” under “Allow apps downloaded from”. The app should now run.

2. Click “Continue”. If prompted to choose a destination, select your system disk.

3. Click “Install”. Enter your MacOS user password and click “Install Software”.

4. Once installation has completed, click “Close”.

5. Navigate to your Application list and run the application Biskaabiiyaang.Launcher under the “Biskaabiiyaang” folder.

6. The demo will now open. Choose your avatar and start exploring!.